I'm Fabrizio Pastore, Chief Scientist II at the [[https://wwwen.uni.lu/snt|SnT Centre for Security Reliability and Trust]] of the University of Luxembourg. In the past, I've been an assistant professor at the [[http://www.disco.unimib.it|University of Milano - Bicocca]]. My Research interests concern Software Engineering, in particular Software Testing, Program Analysis, Specifications Mining, and Automated Debugging. I work with embedded, cyber-physical systems, AI-enabled components, mobile devices. My research contributions concern DNN error explanation, requirements-driven testing, model-based testing, metamorphic testing, security testing, anomaly detection based on trace analysis, fault localization. I'm principal investigator of two research projects, [[http://faqas.uni.lu|Fault-based, Automated Quality Assurance Assessment and Augmentation for Space Software (FAQAS )]], funded by the European Space Agency, and Functional Safety for Autonomous Systems (FUNTASY), funded by [[http://fnr.lu/|FNR]]. In addition, I co-lead a number of industrial partnerships and European projects at [[http://www.svv.lu|SnT's Software Verification and Validation lab]]. I conduct context-driven research that always ends up in publications in top software engineering venues and usable research prototypes. A list of toolsets based on my research is available on the [[http://www.fabriziopastore.com/doku.php?id=tools|tools]] page.